5 Reasons Greeting Cards Can Make Your Business Stand Out

Last Updated on August 16, 2020

Do you engage in greeting card marketing? If not, you might be missing a golden opportunity to foster long-term customer loyalty and land immediate sales. Here are five reasons to send greeting cards to market your business.

1. Send greeting cards to express gratitude

Know what customers appreciate? Companies that appreciate their business. Greeting cards can be an integral part of a comprehensive customer service commitment. Not only should your company’s representatives and support team be friendly and helpful, you should thank your customers for choosing your company instead of your competitors. Be sincere, and customers will remember you when it’s time to buy again.

2. Make a personal connection

If possible, include a handwritten note or a signature, at least, in your greeting card. If that’s not possible, employ a blue script. Even though customers obviously know the difference, a note that looks as though it was handwritten still has impact. Remember that customers buy from people, not companies, so making a personal connection can be a great way to reinforce the idea of a long-standing business relationship.

3. Greeting cards make customers feel special

Customers love companies that make them feel special and welcome. An unexpected greeting carddoes both of those things – and the more personalized your greeting cards, the greater impact they have. When your customers feel special, they’ll not only want to do business with you, they’ll also help you market your business by telling their friends and family members about you. And that kind of word-of-mouth marketing is priceless.

4. Land immediate sales

Though greeting cards should be sent for the sake of expressing gratitude, they can also drum up additional sales by promoting a special offer. Frame your offer as a gift, given only to your best customers. You might, for example, send a greeting cardthat thanks your customers, and then present a 25 percent discount coupon gift for choosing you. This is a powerful marketing strategy that will undoubtedly lead to follow-up sales you would have never otherwise received.

5. Greeting cards foster long-term loyalty

When you thank your customers, make personal connections and make customers feel special, they’ll not only want to do business with you – they’ll want to be a part of your company. This isn’t to say they’ll want to work for you; rather, it means your customers will begin to identify your brand as part of who they are. Your company will become not a purchasing decision, but a lifestyle choice, and one they’ll engage in enthusiastically. All of this builds to long-term loyalty that leads to happy customers and a lifetime of sales.

Do you send greeting cards to your customers?

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